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Hammer Pro Soy - Pure, clean 100% GMO-free protein. 20 servings and other Health and Nutrition System Nutritional Supplements in association with

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Hammer Pro Soy - Pure, clean 100% GMO-free protein. 20 servings and other Health and Nutrition System Nutritional Supplements
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Hammer Pro Soy - Pure, clean 100% GMO-free protein. 20 servings
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Hammer Pro Soy - Pure, clean 100% GMO-free protein. 20 servings
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Click here to buy Hammer Pro Soy - Pure, clean 100% GMO-free protein. 20 servings. Hammer Pro Soy - Pure, clean 100% GMO-free protein. 20 servings
More info on Hammer Pro Soy - Pure, clean 100% GMO-free protein. 20 servings
Buy Hammer Pro Soy - Pure, clean 100% GMO-free protein. 20 servings now!

Complete protein, a purely vegetarian source equal to any animal protein
High concentrated protein makes providing adequate daily amounts of protein easier
Lowest cost per gram of protein
Abundance of highly beneficial phytochemicals, which have been linked to a variety of health benefits including lower incidence of several common cancers, decreased cardiovascular disease, lower cholesterol, decreased osteoporosis, and enhanced immune system function.

Product Description
As an endurance athlete, you can choose from a plethora of soy protein supplements, but youll have to look hard to find one without added sweeteners, flavorings, or other cosmetic additives. Its protein that does the work, and thats what you want your money to buy. HAMMER PRO SOY, like its whey counterpart, has no flavorings or sweetenersjust pure protein. HAMMER PRO SOYS highly concentrated formulation provides you a whopping 31.5 grams of high quality protein per serving, making it easy for you to meet your daily protein requirement. Unlike many other soy protein supplements, HAMMER PRO SOY contains only naturally derived soy protein and absolutely no GMO (genetically modified organism) soy protein. Genetically altered foods pose potential health threats, including the introduction of new or more potent allergens and toxins, and reduced nutritional content. To protect your health and maximize your benefits, HAMMER PRO SOY has not, and will not, contain any GMO-derived soy protein.

Isolated GMO-Free Soy Protein

As a Pre-Workout/Race Meal: 2/3 scoops HAMMER PRO SOY with 4 servings (8 tablespoons) HAMMER GEL in 12-16 ounces of water. This yields approximately 100 grams of carbohydrates and 20 grams of protein equaling a rock-solid 480 calories. As a Pre-Workout/Race Meal: 1/3 scoop HAMMER PRO SOY with 4 scoops SUSTAINED ENERGY in 24 ounces of water. This yields approximately 97 grams of carbohydrates and 24.5 grams of protein totaling an equally rock-solid 485+ calories.